Large high-contrast images in the best color quality - that’s what Fine Pixel LED walls promise. Whether in conference rooms, concert halls, shopping malls or in the reception area of your company, there are no limits to the diverse applications.
Stěny LED byly dlouhou dobu používány pouze venku, protože díky velkému rozteči pixelů vypadaly obrázky jen na dálku dobře. V posledních letech se ale ve vývoji LED stěn hodně stalo. Tato technologie nyní dosáhla bodu, kdy lze dosáhnout velmi malého rozteče pixelů, což umožňuje vidět ostrý obraz i na krátkou vzdálenost. Rozteč pixelů popisuje vzdálenost mezi středem jednoho pixelu a středem pixelu přímo vedle něj. Rozteč pixelů pod 2,5 mm se nazývá jemné rozteče. Při nižším rozteči pixelů se pozorovací vzdálenost pro dané rozlišení snižuje. Díky vyšší hustotě pixelů pak oko dokáže plně vnímat rozlišení i na bližší pozorovací vzdálenost.
Tyto displeje můžete najít například na letištích, v zasedacích místnostech, saloncích, televizních studiích, řídicích centrech, recepcích a možná brzy ve vaší konferenční místnosti?
• dlouhá životnost
• energeticky úsporné
• škálovatelné a homogenní
• vysoký jas
• vysoký kontrastní poměr
• plná intenzita barev
• vysoký dynamický rozsah (HDR)
• široký pozorovací úhel
• krátká pozorovací vzdálenost
• plynulé přechody
• možné všechny tvary a velikosti
• nízký provozní hluk
• flexibilní instalace
Large and bright screens with the best resolution - these are factors that are very important for an effective and successful meeting. And, of course, the device should be as quiet as possible. In the past, projectors and LCD displays could be found in every conference room, but now the market is switching to LED Walls. LED walls have many advantages over the old-fashioned projectors and LCD displays: they have high brightness, dynamic color contrast and are virtually silent. In addition, LED technology allows digital screens to be set up in any shape and size, with no seams or screen edges!
For more and more companies, therefore, fine-pitch LEDs offer a great alternative in their conference rooms. LED Walls are flexibly scalable, seamless and robust and therefore a perfect replacement to current display technologies.
Many suppliers even offer turnkey products for conference rooms, the so-called all-in-one displays. These products usually have native resolutions in different fixed sizes depending on the pixel pitch. The conventional functions for conference situations are integrated into these displays, such as wireless mirroring, multiple source selection, USB access, remote control, front service etc. All components in all-in-one displays, from the LED module itself to the control system, can be replaced. This leaves options open for system upgrades at a later date or adjustments to your existing system. In addition, a good touchscreen function on the displays is expected in the near future.
To find the right LED Wall for your needs, the first thing to determine is the use case: For what purpose will the display be used? Depending on the use case, the selection criteria will differ, such as pixel pitch, resolution, brightness, contrast and size of the LED Wall.
Desired Resolution:
One of the most important factors when buying an LED Wall is the sharpness of the image. Here, the appropriate pixel pitch plays a crucial role. It also influences the overall size of the LED Wall. Likewise, the size of the conference room should definitely be taken into account during planning. The required resolution can only be implemented within the framework of the room size and in consideration of the pixel pitch required for this.
The optimal viewing distance:
The pixel pitch influences the viewing distance that should be kept to the display. If you stand too close to the display, you will no longer see a sharp image and the viewing experience will be strongly affected. There are many mathematical rules for the relationship between pixel pitch and viewing distance. A common rule of thumb is that for a 1 mm pixel pitch, the viewing distance should be at least 2 meters. So for a P1.5 fine-pitch LED, the recommended viewing distance is 3 meters. This distance should be maintained in any case and is well suited for medium-sized conference rooms.
Bílý papír: LED diody s jemným roztečí pixelů
Jaké jsou výhody LED stěn ve srovnání s konvenčními projektory a LCD displeji? Jaké faktory je třeba vzít v úvahu při výběru LED stěny a jaké nové možnosti přináší pro vaši konferenční místnost? Přečtěte si více v tomto dokumentu.
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