Videokonference pro vaše podnikání

Video conferencing offers a host of advantages and has become an indispensable part of today's corporate communications. Whether weekly team meetings, scheduled appointments with customers or spontaneous meetings with suppliers, video conferencing makes it easy to overcome physical distances. Location-independent communication saves valuable time and long journeys, and can thus enormously accelerate work processes and decision-making paths.

Why you can benefit from video conferencing

With videoconferencing, you make optimal use of your resources: Less travel time means more availability at the workplace - the productivity loss of your employees is reduced considerably. You reduce travel costs and make a valuable contribution to environmental protection. Video conferencing can improve workflows throughout your organization.

Interview external candidates from your office, manage projects efficiently from home. Collaborate on documents and graphics, accompany your supplier to the production line in Asia. Record training sessions or boardroom speeches - you can do it all via video conferencing. Video conferencing is not only versatile and convenient, but above all effective and efficient.

Through video conferencing, decision-making can be optimized, and thus better work results can be achieved - offering time and competitive advantages.

Parallel image, sound and data transmission makes video conferencing a powerful multimedia tool for natural communication, especially when participants are many kilometers or even continents apart.

Face-to-face communication through gestures, facial expressions and eye contact is effective. Video conferencing helps build mutual trust - and reduce misunderstandings. Eye contact sensitizes people to the unspoken and increases the success of communication.

Videoconferencing is an important tool for reducing costs, increasing productivity, making people more aware of their responsibilities to the environment, and achieving a better work-life balance. You too will benefit from video conferencing.

Videoconferencing is efficient, environment friendly and profitable. And as diverse as the communication workflows and networks of our customers are, the range of applications is. An analysis of the individual requirements, the technical conditions and processes of modern communication is therefore particularly important, also with regard to future extensions and scalability.

If you want to equip mobile participants, we recommend software-based solutions. For your use on your desk, there are representative single-user systems, which, apart from technical reliability, also have a lot to offer. If several people shoudl work together in different places, you should choose a room system. The decision depends on the number of participants, the conference rooms and the desired functions and the quality of the video conferencing system.

Telepresence means transferring the presence of remote participants into meetings in a life-size manner - and at this point, we are bridging the gap to media technology, because the quality of a video conferencing is not only determined by the sheer resolution and bandwidth of the video call: professional lighting, precisely matched acoustics and optimal ergonomics of the respective rooms are important too for a high-quality telepresence result.

We offer our customers, among others. hardware-based video conferencing systems from all manufacturers; Avaya, Cisco, Lifesize, Polycom, Vidyo, as well as software and cloud-based video conferencing solutions, e.g. Lifesize Cloud, StarLeaf Cloud or Skype for Business.

For many years, DEKOM has been synonymous with outstanding video conferencing and media technology expertise. This is supported by countless successful projects at companies and public authorities, schools, colleges and universities, hospitals, medical conferences, live congresses, in banks and on oil platforms. Use videoconferencing in your organization for professional video communication with your customers and business partners.

Věděl jsi?

»Náklady na videokonference lze vrátit do jednoho roku. Videokonferenční systém ušetří 9,6 tun CO² a sníží náklady o 20 376 EUR. Videokonference snižují riziko kardiovaskulárních chorob a rozvodů souvisejících s cestováním. «

„Hlavní výhodou e-learningové platformy je, že naši studenti získají velmi jednoduchý a okamžitý přístup k nahrávkám.“

Prof. Dr. Sönke Knutzen
Viceprezident pro výuku, Technická univerzita v Hamburku-Harburgu

Máte dotazy? Použijte prosím konzultační formulář - a naši odborníci vás budou kontaktovat.

Výhody videokonferencí:

Tvrdé faktory

  • Zvýšená produktivita
  • Vylepšený dopad na životní prostředí
  • Optimalizované využití zdrojů
  • Nižší cestovní náklady 
  • Méně času od stolu

Měkké faktory

  • Vylepšená komunikace 
  • Rychlejší rozhodování 
  • Správa a vytváření virtuálních týmů 
  • Lepší kvalita života a práce - lepší rovnováha mezi prací a životem 
  • Vylepšení obrazu prostřednictvím moderní zelené technologie 

Strategické faktory

  • Mobilní týmová práce 
  • Rychlejší rozhodování se silnou shodou 
  • Efektivní projektové a krizové řízení 
  • Kratší doba uvedení na trh 
  • Rychlejší životní cykly produktů 
  • Prokazatelně vyšší spokojenost zákazníků díky vizuální přístupnosti

DEKOM je certifikovaný partner

renomovaných výrobců technologie videokonferencí.