Back to the "new normal" – or as we call it the hybrid culture

The pandemic forced us all into home office, especially in the early days we all appreciated the advantages of working remotely. However, as things progressed, difficulties became more obvious.

Besides the challenges to managers in the aspects of performance and control, lower performance occurred due to difficulties in collaboration. However, after over a year of "trial period", we no longer want to waive the benefits, either in terms of the improved work-life balance for employees with the elimination of commuting, the environmental aspect, or the potential for savings in terms of office space.

Därför är, på det hela taget, en förändring av arbetskulturen och tekniken nödvändig för att föra samman det bästa från två världar. Med många års erfarenhet är DEKOM din partner när du ska förbereda ditt företag för framtiden. Våra specialister ser fram emot att ge dig snabba och enkla råd på telefon.

Gratis konsultation

Advantages for employees

Home office offers flexibility to the employees. Some workers prefer avoiding the many potential distractions they have at home, focusing on their work and getting more work done in their day. Other employees, on the other hand, are better at focusing at home, where it may be more quiet.

Furthermore, it is no longer necessary for your employees to be located in the immediate vicinity of the company. A technically organised company can be perfectly active throughout Europe, if not globally.

This automatically reduces the number of people working in the office and simultaneously the required office space.

Advantages for companies

By now, there are many DSGVO-compliant clouds with different security requirements, including particularly secure European cloud solutions. They enable location-independent access to the data and documents you need, as well as the connection to your colleagues for seamless collaboration. Thanks to the subscription principle, you only pay for what you need. 

In future, employees can come from all over the world and work from home. This reduces the number of people working in the office and consequently the amount of office space needed, as well as any maintenance costs.

With this flexibility you offer with improved work-life balance, the well-being during work also well-being increases.

Utmaningen med denna nya typ av arbete

För många anställda känns kommunikation via digitala kanaler fortfarande inte intuitiv. När mer tid används för att samordna och komma överens i team kan produktiviteten bli lidande. Det är dessutom särskilt viktigt att ha en tydlig översikt över vilka som kommer till kontoret och när för att säkerställa att det finns tillräckligt med rum och arbetsstationer tillgängliga. Verktyg för att planera, utforma, hantera och kontrollera konferensrumsytor, dina arbetsstationer, dina hot-deskutrymmen och dina samlingsrumsytor mer flexibelt är mycket användbara här.

Hur övervinner du dessa utmaningar?

Med rumsbokningssystem kan du effektivt hantera och styra återvändandet till kontoret. Med rumsplanerings-/bokningsprogramvara, till exempel Condeco, går det att boka, hantera, administrera och visa dina rum live. Arbetsanalysverktyg från t.ex. Spaceti är absolut nödvändiga för att kontrollera och utvärdera dina sittplatser, hot-desks, samtals- och konferensrumsstolar per stol i realtid.

Workplace planning software

With Condeco you can ensure that the density in the office is reduced and that the minimum distances are maintained. For example, with a user-friendly app for workstation planning, you can lock and manage workstations to ensure minimum distances are maintained.

You can also manage the capacities of your premises. With the planning software you allow your employees to book workstations - but only for a limited number of days per month.

The software helps you to protect your office staff from infections. It automatically creates work orders for your cleaning providers after a workstation has been used. It is only approved for re-use after a deep cleaning.

You can also react quickly to the possible spread of an infection. The app provides you with instant contact tracking by recording who, where and how close you have been to other employees.


Arbetsplatsanalysverktyg som Spaceti arbetar med IoT-sensorer. Dessa sensorer mäter om sittplatserna är upptagna/förflyttning mellan dem och de mäter temperatur och CO2. Detta gör det möjligt för dig att kontrollera, hantera och justera dina lokaler i realtid.

With Spaceti's software you can ensure that workplace bookings are taken into account and that your employees only come to the office when it is planned. With the Workplace Analytics tools you can analyze who, when and where was in the office. So you can track exactly where he was and for how long.

In addition, you can use the IoT sensors to check whether room bookings are kept, so that minimum distances are given. You are shown in real time which rooms are in use, which tables and chairs are occupied and how many people are in a meeting room. For example, you can see exactly which chairs have been moved and how long they have been used. This allows you to check whether the basic conditions of the minimum distance are observed.

Furthermore, with Spaceti you create a foundation for returning to the office. The software offers you an Occupancy Analytics & Hot- Desking function. This allows you to evaluate the utilisation of your premises down to the individual chair. Do you have enough conference rooms? Are bottlenecks forming? Are all general conditions being met? Are there large unused areas? All these questions will be answered by means of real-time data.

Behöver du råd och support i realtid när det gäller att välja rätt verktyg?

Vi är glada att hjälpa dig att hitta rätt lösning för ditt företag. Även om ditt aktuella problem inte ingår ska du känna dig fri att konsultera våra certifierade specialister så kommer vi tillsammans att hitta ett individuellt alternativ för varje utmaning. 

Gratis konsultation

Perfekta fördelar vid hybridarbete

We are not only experts in the field of video communication and collaboration, but as experts in smart office, collaboration, workplace analytics and room planning software we are a strong partner at your side!

We help you to choose the right tools to manage rooms, workstations, hot-desking and huddle rooms and to control and analyse them in real time.

Let our certified Key Account Managers advise you now, free of charge and vendor-neutral, to find out how to best implement your return to the office.

Trust our expertise and turn the old normality into the "new normal".

Free consultation