Distance Leadership - Lead your Team to success

Especially now, when all teams are working separately from each other in the home office, the competence and leadership of a "Distance Leader" are particularly in demand. But how do you successfully lead a team that is located at different locations and can only communicate with each other virtually? This requires more than a weekly video conference and a shared e-mail distribution list.  

A "Virtual Leader" must be able to motivate and support his team, but also to recognize and resolve possible conflicts. The challenge here is to recognize the emotional state of the employees, although they are not face-to-face. This is not the only reason why he should be sensitive to the needs of his employees and always express necessary criticism in an objective and constructive manner.

In addition, a "distance leader" should clearly define common goals, structure tasks transparently and communicate these to his team in a comprehensible way. Above all, however, he should convey a WE feeling to his team and have confidence in his team members and their independent work.

In order to ensure smooth cooperation - even without physical presence - the technical equipment naturally plays a major role. A stable internet connection, a PC or laptop and a reasonable camera are just as important as the software for project planning and communication within the team. Because tools for video conferences (with screen sharing function), group chats, project planning, file sharing (with annotation tools), scheduling and data storage are what make successful virtual teamwork possible.